
Monday, September 13, 2010

Random Space Finds: The First 30 Posts now compiled!

Well kids it's been 30 some-odd posts of random space junk cluttering up your info scanners, and to make things easy--and to commemorate how long I've been frying my brain coming up with stuff--I thought I'd do a "collected works" for you to download (see the box at right).

My dream was to have a flashier version with some artwork and a nice layout, but that will have to wait until I can get some artists on board. I didn't want to wait to get it online so consider this version 1.0, the very much no-frills edition.

I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to let me know if you ever use them.

P.S. Congrats to ze bullete for guessing correct. ;)


  1. Nice! This is such a great resource. Thanks.

  2. Cool indeed. Certainly neater then the pdf I crammed together of a few of your finds posts.

  3. I was wondering if these would ever get compiled. Their usefulness just jumped up by an order of magnitude since I can now drop the PDF onto my iPhone and Kindle (much easier than searching through old blog posts).

    Thanks for putting this together. :)

  4. Thanks guys! I'm just glad that someone (several someones!) have found the posts interesting and/or useful. I'm open to any/all feedback too.

  5. woop woop - thanks for the compilation, and a shout-out to James over at the Underdark Gazette for pointing me your way :)

  6. Is there a direct link to this download? I can't seem to get your downloads box to work.

  7. Dr.Drucker, hello and welcome! I've been trying to create a work around but can't get a direct link from If you send me an email at exonautsblog AT gmail d0t com (user your decoder ring!) I'd be happy to send you both PDFs. :)

  8. We're going to be pointing to this feature and the download as a highly recommended resource for Zalchis. You do a great job with this stuff, and we hope you keep it up!

  9. Thanks for the shout-out and kind sentiments Netherworks!

  10. Congrats man! Here's to (hopefully) a lot more to come.
